
1. Old mathematicians never die; they just lose some of their functions.

2. Write the expression for the volume of a thick crust pizza with height "a" and radius "z".
(Explanation: The formula for volume is π·(radius)2·(height). In this case, pi·z·z·a)

3. Math problems? Call 1-800-[(10x)(13i)2]-[sin(xy)/2.362x]

4. Have you heard about the mathematical plant? It has square roots

5. What kind of tree could a maths teacher climb? Geometry

6. Last night I dreamt that I was weightless! I was like, 0mg

7. What kind of bra do math teachers wear? Algebra

8. A classic maths chat-up line to use on a very "special" girl:
"Hey baby, I don't mean to be obtuse, but you are acute girl"

9. Student: "Teacher, I can't solve this problem"
Teacher: "Any five year old should be able to solve this one"
Student: "No wonder I can't do it then, I'm nearly ten!"

10. Expand (a+b)^n.

    (a + b) ^ n

  (a  +  b)  ^  n

(a   +   b)   ^   n